Apps by Polka Dot Innovations

How to use this site

Thanks for checking out my app library! Here are a few tips on how it's structured and how to navigate it.

Apps by Polka Dot Innovations is an app library published by Angela Bierman.

While still under construction, my goal is to build a comprehensive resource for Solopreneurs and Small Business Owners to help them choose & optimize the right tech stack.

You can scroll down the homepage, explore using the sidebar on the left-hand side, or you can jump around to filtered lists based on a specific function or role.

  • Sidebar menu on the left-hand side of the homepage
  • Top menu
    • by Type (grouped by tool type or function)
    • by Role
      • For Solopreneurs
      • For Small Businesses
      • For Content Creators
      • For Accountants
    • Free!
    • Search (you can search for specific apps or for the problem you're trying to solve)

Within Each App Listing

Overall Summary

My overall thoughts are summarized in a purple callout box like this.

Level of Familiarity

I'll add apps to this library that I've heard of, and apps that I know really well. To be transparent about which is which, I've indicated my level of familiarity on each posting.

  • 🔷 I'm currently using this app in my business
  • 🟦 I've heard of this app
  • 🟦🟦 I've heard about this app a lot
  • 🟦🟦🟦I've trialed this app
  • 🟦🟦🟦🟦I've used this app
  • 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦 I have extensive knowledge of this app

The Cheese

"The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese."

Some apps have been around for a long time, have a strong industry reputation, and are flagged as "The Cheese"🧀

Members-only content

If you see a post that has members-only content, signing up or logging in will reveal more of my opinions, such as:

  • 🔥 Hot take
  • ⚠️ Cautions
  • 👉 Tips
  • 🦄 Unique selling features
  • 🤬 Common complaints
  • ⬇️ Downsides
  • ℹ️ Things to know

Subscribers can also leave comments!

Any links in a grey box like this are clearly marked affiliate links, where your click/trial/purchase may generate compensation for me at no additional cost to you. (review my Affiliate Disclaimer)


Not every app is right for every use case. I've added the details of how familiar I am with the app, but please keep in mind I'm not familiar with your specific needs. Always review the privacy policy and terms and conditions of every app before you trial it. Inclusion in this app library does not imply endorsement or recommendation, only Hey - this might be worth checking out!

About Angela Bierman

👋 Hi, I'm Angela Bierman (maiden name Gill), a multi-passionate generalist, endlessly curious, obsessed with efficiency and polka dots.

I have a degree in Psychology (BSc), an accounting designation (CPA, CA), and over 15 years of corporate experience in accounting and operations. I live in Alberta, Canada, and am originally from Prince Edward Island.

Want to know more? Check out my main website (on Podia) and my blog (on beehiiv)!

Apps by Polka Dot Innovations

Want to leverage the power of technology as a Solopreneur or Small Business Owner? These curated apps will help amplify your impact! Let's connect the dots to make things better, faster & easier!

Apps by Polka Dot Innovations

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